Eric Persson Net Worth (Updated 2024)


The Swedish-American entrepreneur Eric Persson is well-known for his success in the gambling and casino industries and his high-stakes poker tournaments. The varied investments and business acumen of Persson have contributed to an ever-increasing net worth that is projected to surpass half a billion dollars by 2024. In the coming paragraphs, we will delve deeper into Eric Persson net worth, examining the key factors that have fueled his financial growth and success.

Who is Eric Persson?

Known for his high-stakes poker career and strategic investments, Eric Persson is a famous figure in the gaming and casino industries. His rise from poker fan to prosperous businessman is an indication of his abilities and perseverance.

Net Worth

By 2024, Eric Persson’s wealth is predicted to surpass $500 million. All of his businesses, but especially those in the gambling industry, and his smart investments have contributed to his considerable fortune.

Personal biography

Early Life and Education

Persson is a proud member of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Nation, having spent his childhood in Hoquiam, Washington. His interest in video games began at a young age. He received his bachelor’s degrees in sociology, criminal justice, and psychology from UNLV and then went on to Georgetown University Law Center to get his law degree. Earnings from playing poker helped pay for Persson’s education, demonstrating his early skill in the game.

Age, Height, and Weight

With a birthday of October 16, 1975, Eric Persson will be 49 years old in the year 2024. He is a strong and intimidating figure at 6 feet 2 inches tall and about 200 pounds.


Eric Persson’s family includes six children from his marriage. His lavish lifestyle is made possible by Persson’s substantial earnings; he and his family mostly live in the Las Vegas area.

Profession and Entrepreneurial Efforts

Maverick Gaming

Starting his career in the casino industry, Persson worked his way up to executive positions at multiple companies, including the Las Vegas Sands Corporation. His 2017 co-founding of Maverick Gaming with Justin Beltram was a watershed moment in his career. They began by spending $43 million to acquire the Red Garter and Wendover Nugget hotels and casinos. Rapid expansion occurred under Persson’s leadership at Maverick Gaming, which by 2024 had 31 gaming properties spread out across Washington, Colorado, and Nevada.

Poker Career

In his spare time, Persson excels at poker in addition to his many business endeavors. On PokerGO’s “No Gamble, No Future,” he was a part of the biggest pot in U.S. televised poker history, reaching a total of $1,978,000. This was one of several high-profile poker matches in which he has participated. Even though he has a lot on his plate, Persson still finds time to play poker—though not as often as his strategic appearances to promote Maverick Gaming’s brand would have you believe.

Personal Life


Real estate at the highest levels, exotic cars, and private vacations are all part of Eric Persson’s renownedly lavish lifestyle. With the money and fame he has earned, he and his family live the high life.

Charitable Activities

It is known that Eric Persson contributes to various causes, although he prefers to keep his charitable activities private. His charitable work demonstrates his desire to help those less fortunate and give back to the community.

Future Endeavors

The future of Maverick Gaming is uncertain, but Persson intends to keep it privately held and eventually pass it on to his son. He is determined to increase his influence in the gaming industry, as shown by his ongoing legal battles over sports betting monopolies. From a college poker player to a major player in the casino industry, Eric Persson has shown an extraordinary capacity to seize opportunities and master the intricacies of business and gaming.


How did Eric Persson make his fortune? 

Eric Persson made his fortune through strategic investments in the gaming and casino industries, founding Maverick Gaming, and his high-stakes poker career.

What is Eric Persson’s net worth in 2024? 

As of 2024, Eric Persson’s net worth is estimated to be over $500 million.

What businesses does Eric Persson own? 

Eric Persson owns Maverick Gaming, which has a portfolio of 31 gaming properties across Nevada, Colorado, and Washington.

What are Eric Persson’s notable business ventures? 

Eric Persson’s notable business ventures include the acquisition and expansion of Maverick Gaming, as well as his roles at the Las Vegas Sands Corporation.

What are Eric Persson’s future plans for Maverick Gaming? 

Eric Persson plans to keep Maverick Gaming privately held and eventually pass the company on to his son.

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The incredible journey of Eric Persson exemplifies the power of passion, determination, and strategic thinking to achieve extraordinary success. His incredible journey, beginning with his humble beginnings as a poker player who used his winnings to pay for college, culminates in his rise to prominence in the gambling industry. As we’ve discussed in the upper paragraphs, his impact on the gaming world is indisputable, and his future projects will only serve to cement his legacy, as his net worth surpasses $500 million. The success story of Eric Persson is not just about wealth but about the relentless pursuit of excellence, making “Eric Persson Net Worth” a testament to his exceptional achievements and influential presence in the industry.


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