10 Tips On How To Make Your Instagram Better & Follow-Worthy

Growing on Instagram is not rocket science. Also, there are no set rules to attract more followers from your target audience. However, you can always work on your strategy to grab more attention. Alternatively, if you buy Instagram followers from trusted sources, you reap great benefits.Whether you are just starting on the platform or have a decent presence already, leveraging a few tips will provide long-term benefits. If you are trying to make your Instagram profile look better and attract more followers, we have got you covered. Rock the grind and make your Instagram feed worth staring at. Let us directly jump onto the tips. 

Tips To Make Your Instagram Account Follow-Worthy 

Your account should have something follow-worthy to encourage your visitors to follow it. Let’s see how you can attract more followers to your account.  

Tip 1: Optimize, Optimize and Optimize

Optimizing your Instagram profile is endless. Ensure everything is in its place, be it your bio, the overall look of your profile, or the highlights section. To create a perfect Instagram bio, add four key elements: an easy-to-understand description, a link, an aligned brand personality, and a clear call to action. 

Tip 2: Post Consistently

Be consistent with your postings. In the beginning, the number of postings can be more, whereas, after some time, you can reduce them. To maintain consistency, we recommend that you create a content calendar and follow it. If you fall short of ideas, try repurposing the content by making some edits.

Tip 3: Think And Strategize Like An Editor

Think about your Instagram profile overall, not just one post. Whenever planning content, it should represent your entire profile as an entity. Now, thinking like an editor means finalising the placement of posts, considering their visual appeal, planning in advance, and more. 

Tip 4: Maintain A Theme For Postings

Deciding a niche on the Instagram platform for your content is critical. Having said that, do not deviate from the topic on which you are posting, and have only a few to which you can stick. Too much diversification will result in a lost essence. One major benefit of maintaining a theme is that your audience will recognise you for the type of content you post. 

Tip 5: Pay Attention To Aesthetics

You should design the aesthetics of your account yourself and make it eye-catching. That said, the overall appeal of your Instagram should linger in the mind. Slowly develop one way of editing all your photos and videos. What matters is how you edit your posts using the same settings and filters. Each post is different, but they still have something in common. 

Tip 6: Do Not Underestimate Quality

Quality should be the first priority when you want to improve your Instagram account’s appearance. Achieving high-quality photos is not impossible. All you need is some patience and steady hands to get that perfect shot. A few tips, like turning on the grid lines for better composition, leveraging the AE/AF pictures for better exposure, and finding natural lighting, will anyway make your pictures jaw-dropping. 

Tip 7: Have Color Coordination

You should also have a color-coordinated feed to make your Instagram profile look pretty. Applying a color theme to your profile is not difficult. When deciding on the coordination, make a few decisions, like how many colours you want to use, making it visually appealing, and using filters to make the feed pop and look lively. 

Tip 8: Write Compelling Captions and use relevant hashtags

Captions and hashtags on Instagram hold more weight than we think. They can make or break the entire following game on the platform. However, you should always be careful with the length of the caption. Do not mistake a long caption to be better than the one-liner. The caption should be related, and the length should depend on the post type. Furthermore, to reach a wider audience, use hashtags. 

Tip 9: Experiment With Different Post Types

It is not recommended to publish the same post type on your profile repeatedly. To attract more people, you should play around with different types. Use formats like stories, reels, videos, and photos. Experimenting with different types will give you a sense of what is working with you and what is not. Combine all varieties and make your profile more attractive. 

Tip 10: Engage With Your Audience

Engaging with your audience on the platform will give you a clear picture of their likings and queries. It may also give you some unique content ideas. Answer the questions you receive from your potential customers and offer them the required tips and tricks. Beyond the DM and comments section, you should also get active on Instagram stories. That said, in the stories, you can use polls, question-and-answer templates, interactive stickers, and more to interact with your audience. 

Tip 11: Always analyze and adjust

Instagram offers an analytics section for business profiles to monitor their performance. By monitoring your Instagram account’s analytics, you will know what’s working and what is not working for your profile. Use recent trends when drafting content strategy for your profile. The important metrics that you should track for your profile depend on your Instagram goals. That said if you want to know the increase in your follower count, track the number of followings received, whereas to know the best post times, track the engagement received. 

Final Thoughts: Get Ready To Bring More Followers! 

With the above tips under your belt, your Instagram profile’s following will undoubtedly grow. Publish high-quality content regularly, engage with your followers, and stay ready with your social media strategy for game-changing. The efforts made behind it will be worthwhile in the long run.  Carefully design the overall postings to make your profile look watchworthy and take your grid to unexpected levels.

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